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CEO Exchange Forum

Marsha Ednisa Ramadhani

P05613262 1.52

Regular Class of R52

Graduate Student of Master Program in Business Management

Management and Business Bogor Agricultural University

Marketing Management Class Lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, Msc

Dr. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat


Patricia A. Woertz


“It’s very important to listen to what people are proud  of, what they think we should change, what their views are as far as what our strengths and areas of improvement are, because you learn so much from asking the questions of a wide variety of people in the organization and the refineries were some of the most important assets and people that we had in the company”

“About continual improvement, if I had to put a big title on it. Self-development, company development. Continuing to improve at a rate that, you know, the world and the competition continues to improve and if we can self-improve and our company can continue to improve and our teams can, I think the attitude of learning and developing is very very important”

“being able to paint the picture of the future so it’s compelling enough that people can see it. And feel it and see what it can do for them”

“I think the aspiration of continuing to grow in our company, continuing to grow in both the agricultural processing and the bio energy, if you think about it, it’s not just food, it’s all the basic sustenance that people – the basic needs of life”

Robert W. Lane

Robert W. Lane, Chairman and CEO, John Deere_

“Belajarlah dari masa sulit”

“This is not a family. This is a team. And if you’re not pulling your weight, you’re not going to be part of the team”

“The retirement fund at Deere it’s fully funded. This is because of the business improvement and the cash flow generation. So this is part of the promise to the employees.”

Marketing Management Class R52

Dosen: Prof Dr Ir Ujang Sumarwan, MSc

Ujang Sumarwan, Agus Djunaidi, Aviliani, H.C.Royke Singgih, Jusup Agus Sayono, Rico R Budidarmo, Sofyan Rambe. 2009. Pemasaran Strategik: Strategi untuk Pertumbuhan Perusahaan dalam Penciptaan Nilai bagi Pemegang Saham (Strategic Marketing: Strategy for Corporate Growth in Creating Share Holder Value). Jakarta. Inti Prima.



Sumarwan, U., Achmad Fachrodji., Adman Nursal., Arissetyanto Nugroho., Erry Ricardo Nurzal., Ign Anung Setiadi., Suharyono., Zeffry Alamsyah. 2010. Pemasaran Strategik: Persfektif Value-Based Marketing dan Pengukuran Kinerja.(Strategic Marketing: Value Based and Performance Measurement Perspectives) Bogor, IPB Press.



(Kamis, 17/07) Perkuliahan Manajemen Pemasaran dengan topik Promosi merupakan perkuliahan perdana Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, MSc. Promosi dalam arti sempit merupakan suatu insentif yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan kepada konsumen. Sedangkan dalam arti luas adalah “KOMUNIKASI”, dimana komunikasi tersebut merupakan kemampuan yang harus dimiliki seorang marketer. Iklan adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi kegiatan pemasaran yang paling intensif. Negara maju dan negara yang sedang berkembang memiliki orientasi yang berbeda. Negara yang sedang berkembang memiliki orientasi pada produksi, sedangkan negara maju berorientasi kepada marketing dan R&D.

Negara Korea Selatan, merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki strategi marketing yang sangat bagus, yaitu dengan menggunakan drama korea untuk memperkenalkan kebudayaannya (pariwisata) dan produk-produk yang dihasilkan (misalnya ponsel), dan biasanya berlatar belakang sebuah perusahaan-perusahaan.